
Brand is more than a logo and a color palette. And content marketing is about so much more than SEO-rich blog posts, engaging podcasts, and videos that go viral.

It’s more than the Domain and Page Authority your site gets.

It’s more than attaining a kick-ass Alexa ranking or showing up as the top result on a SERP.

It’s about connection—the connection between you and the audience you serve.

All that other stuff is important, and we’re committed to helping you get there.

But if you don’t have the connection—that x-factor that makes your audience love and want you—then it’s all for naught.

Because at the end of the day, if a customer, client, or reader “swipes right” on you, but then the “date” sucks, you’ve wasted everybody’s time.

You may ask, “What’s up with the Cannes photo in the header?” Well, it is all related to the love of cinema by Blade Ronner Media founder Ron Dawson (I mean, come on. The name of the company is Blade Ronner.) You may notice quite a few allusions to classics throughout this site. If you find them all, you’ll get a special gift once you take us on as a client. Good luck and godspeed.