Blade Ronner Media lead content strategist Ron Dawson shares his recommendations for the top video production topics to cover in 2021.
5 Reasons Your About Page Probably Sucks
Most companies and professionals have an About page that probably sucks. This is a quick review of the five common reasons that is the case.
4 Vital Lessons on Leadership from “Excalibur”
Movies can offer valuable life or business lessons. The John Boorman film “Excalibur” provides four lessons on leadership every good leader should heed.
Stop worrying about duplicate content
Stop the myth that Google penalizes duplicate content. Learn the real disadvantage to have your content duplicated and how to counteract for it.
Building a brand story with narrative film and video
An in-depth look at using narrative storytelling in building a brand story. Includes real-world examples and four tips on how to do it effectively.
How to write creative briefs and mood boards that thrill your clients
A detailed look at how to create creative briefs and mood boards that will increase your client’s satisfaction. Samples included.
Applying Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey to tell real-life stories
A video production case study of how Joseph Campbell’s “Heroe’s Journey” monomyth can be applied to telling real-life stories.
A brand is more than…
A brand is so more than the graphical, audio, and visual elements that you professionally design. A look at everything that makes up a memorable brand.
The best content strategy practices strive for excellence, not perfection
Content marketing best practices involve learning the difference between excellence and perfection. Here are signs of a strategy paralyzed by perfection.
4 key ways to build your blog’s brand and stand out
Four of the most important lessons about building your blog’s brand I learned as the managing editor for the blog.