Writing is the lifeblood of your business. Whether it’s marketing copy for your website, SEO-friendly posts for your blog, letters for your email list, or copy for social media and ads, the written word connects your audience to your business.
Ever since I (Ron) started my first blog back in 2006, I’ve used the written word as a tool to move people in meaningful ways. In both my personal and professional life, writing is vital to me. I now use that passion to help businesses and organizations like yours thrive.
Table of Contents
Writing Samples
Below is a small sampling of curated articles from Blade Ronner founder Ron Dawson, and the talented team of hand-picked freelancers from our network.
- The best content strategy practices strive for excellence, not perfection This article was curated to Medium’s “Marketing” and main pages the day it went live. Medium’s largest active publication, The Startup (over 585,000 followers), added this post to their publication as well.
- Three Myths About Video SEO You Need to Know (Artlist)
- A Brand is More Than a Logo curated to “Better Marketing”
- If You’re a Professional Artist, Stop Complaining About Commoditization (“Better Marketing”)
- 5 Reasons Your About Page Probably Sucks (Better Marketing)
Film and Video Industry

- The Ultimate Guide to When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Fix it In Post (Rocket Yard/OWC)
- The Ultimate Guide to Fair Use and Copyrights for Filmmakers (one of the top ten most-read posts on the Frame.io Insider)
- What 15 Years of Writing Videography Contracts Have Taught Me (one of the topmost engaged posts in terms of comments on the Frame.io Insider).
- Passion Is Not Enough: 4 Keys to Getting Paid for Your Art (Frame.io Insider)
- The Two 180s of Filmmaking: The 180 Degree Line and the 180 Degree Shutter (Film Riot)
- Understanding Frame Rates vs. Shutterspeed (Film Riot)
- 4 Lessons Creatives Can Learn from Quibi’s Conundrum (Pro Video Coalition)
- 4 Ways to Maximize Creative Fulfillment and Still Make a Living (Frame.io Insider)
- Black, Blonde, and Bold. Making it in Hollywood When You Don’t Fit the Mold. (Frame.io Insider)
- How to Match a Film Look with Basic Color Correction Tools (Frame.io Insider)
Entertainment & Culture

- The Forgotten Art of the Mixtape (PS I Love You Medium Publication)
- Scorsese’s and Coppola’s comments about the MCU strike at a much bigger issue. Who defines “art”? (Medium)
- Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Conversion of Kanye West Got Evangelicals Going Crazy (Medium)
- Boyz N the Hood Turns 30: Looking Back at Its Legacy (Artlist)
Race Relations & Politics

- The Perspective of Privilege (Medium: An Injustice)
- The problem with denying white privilege (Medium)
- Social Justice Has Always Been Part of the Church (Medium)
- The very first Medium post I ever wrote, A Message to Christians and the LGBT Community, went viral, garnering over 160,000 views in just 2-3 days.
Life is no fun if it’s not filled with ample amounts of joy and laughter. Below are just a few samples of my humble contribution to bring joy to the world. (Note: my humor contains adult language, so if you’re easily offended by f-bombs and sh*t, um, stuff, this may not be the content for you.
Lastly, my humor is typically satirical in nature and I usually attempt to make some kind of commentary about culture, politics, faith, or the arts.
- I’m Having Second Thoughts About My Sam Jackson Siri (SlackJaw, largest humor publication on Medium)
- Thank God Racism is Over (SlackJaw)
- Negro Scientists Discover Why Wypipo Don’t Vacate Haunted Houses (Medium: The Junction)
- The Temporal Consternation Corollary of the Racism-v-White Privilege Proof (Medium)
Samples from Our Team
We have a hand-picked network of writers and marketers who make up our extended writing team. All articles are reviewed and edited by one of our experienced editors. This reduces or even eliminates your need to review the work. We produce three dozen high-quality blog posts, emails, and landing pages every month for our clients. Here are just a select few of their pieces.
- Where Should Apple Go with It Hardware and Software (Rocket Yard/OWC)
- How to Pick the Right Format for Your Video (Artlist)
- Creative Talk With Ryan Connolly: How He Got Started and the Future of Filmmaking (Artlist)
- DSLR vs Mirrorless: A Guide to Buying the Best Camera (Artlist)
- How to Grow Your TikTok Authority (UNUM Blog)
- Why Social Commerce Will Rule Social Media in 2021 (UNUM Blog)
- 15 Live Stream Video Stats for Brands in 2021 (UNUM Blog)